Speaker Biography

Golda Kovacic-Grinblat

Clinical Fellow in Otology, Neurotology & Skull Base Surgery at The Gruppo Otologico, Piacenza, Italy under Prof. Mario Sanna guidance. ENT specialist at Hillel Yaffe Hospital, Affiliated to the Technion University in Haifa, Hadera, Israel. Residency of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department, Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel. During the period I wrote scientific work under the guidance of prof. Sohmer 'Acoustic activation in the presence of an immobilized stapes, oval window and round window' Residency of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department at Sheba Hospital.During the period I accepted the Tel Hashomer Award of Honorable Resident. Internship at Beilinson Hospital, which included elective in Otorhinolaryngology both in Tel Hashomer, Meir and Beilinson Hospitals.



In this retrospective study we describe the surgical technique of drill canaplasty for exostosis and osteoma and evaluate our results in 256 operated cases. As well, we propose a new grading system for external auditory canal stenosis (EACS). A systematically performed drill canalplasty via retroauricular approach, as described in this article, yields excellent postoperative outcomes as seen in our series. Notably, one-third of exostoses patients in this series, also suffered from otosclerosis. The proposed grading system for EACS enables the surgeon to objectively stage the disease.